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What is the cause of rectal vertical intramural hernia?
发布时间:2021-10-27   浏览:1507次

(1) Cause of disease
It is mainly due to maternal, large pelvic tumor, intestinal cough, significant obesity, increased abdominal pressure caused by ascites and other factors, which makes the fibers of utero rectal fascia and rectum pubococcidial muscle loose or broken, while the uterine ligament is also loose and upper vaginal defect, which is more common in postmenopausal women or postmenopausal women. (2) Pathogenesis rectal (internal) prolapse vertical intestinal wall internal hernia is formed by full-thickness rectal intussusception and the depression of rectal wall into the cavity during rectal prolapse. It appears with the appearance of rectal intussusception during defecation and disappears with the reduction of intussusception. In most cases, the existence time of the hernia sac of rectal intramural hernia is very short, and often only the hernia sac (intussusception) exists. Hernia contents can include small intestine, sigmoid colon, uterus, etc. when they enter the hernia sac, they will further aggravate the symptoms and signs of difficult defecation.
In fact, the rectal wall hernia caused by rectal prolapse and full-thickness rectal intussusception does not exist alone as a disease, but almost coexists with the Douglas recess hernia formed by the deepening of Douglas recess. In other words, static Douglas sunken hernia and rectal wall hernia with rectal prolapse and full-thickness rectal intussusception during forced defecation are pathological components of pelvic floor hernia. The difference between them is that the hernia sac of rectal wall hernia is composed of rectal wall; The anterior wall of the hernia sac of Douglas concave hernia is the posterior wall of cervix and vagina, and the posterior wall is composed of rectal wall.

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