Disposable nasal oxygen tube

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Disposable nasal oxygen tube (type A)


Disposable nasal oxygen tube is composed of connector, catheter, nasal plug, ear hook, hanging ring, tee, adjusting ring and disposable oxygen humidification bottle (type I and II).


1、Registration Certificate No:苏械注准20162561243
2、Specification and model: type A, type B

3、Product performance, structure and composition

      Disposable nasal oxygen tube is composed of connector, catheter, nasal plug, ear hook, hanging ring, tee, adjusting ring and disposable oxygen humidification bottle (type I and II). The body of oxygen humidification bottle is made of PP resin conforming to GB / t12670-2008, the upper cover is made of ABS resin conforming to GB / t12672-2009, and the pipeline, connector, catheter, nasal plug, ear hook The hanging ring, tee and regulating ring are made of PVC materials in accordance with gb15595-1995, and the humidifying solution is made of purified water in accordance with the requirements of Chinese Pharmacopoeia. According to the packaging type, there are two types: type A (without disposable oxygen humidification bottle) and type B (with oxygen humidification bottle type I / type II). Disposable nasal oxygen tube is divided into sleeve type nasal oxygen tube (large and small) and ear hanging type nasal oxygen tube according to type and structure; Nasal oxygen tube nasal obstruction can be divided into spherical single nasal obstruction, spherical double nasal obstruction, bucket single nasal obstruction, bucket double nasal obstruction and tubular double nasal obstruction. Type a products are sterilized with ethylene oxide, and type B products are sterilized with cobalt 60 λ The product shall be sterile after radiation sterilization.

4、Product scope of application

     The product is matched with the feeding system for clinical inhalation or humidification inhalation of oxygen.



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