Operation on stomach and pylorus
Subtotal gastrectomy II (gastrojejunostomy)
发布时间:2021-10-27   浏览:1533次

1. First, cut off the duodenal bulb and gastric body with Huaxia disposable linear suture device (Fig. 2-5-1).

Fig. 2-5-1 suture closes the first segment of duodenum and transects the upper 1 / 3 of stomach

2. Cut a small opening in the anterior wall of the remnant stomach, extend the Huaxia disposable tubular stapler into the gastric cavity, and extend the central rod from the posterior wall of the stomach. Note that it should be about 3cm away from the suture. Lift the jejunum to be anastomosed, cut a small hole at the predetermined anastomosis (to the mesangial edge) and place the purse string (Fig. 2-5-2).

Fig. 2-5-2 the central rod of Huaxia stapler extends from the posterior wall of stomach, and a small incision is made at the proximal jejunum to place a purse string

3. Insert the butting base into the intestinal cavity, tighten the purse suture, connect the butting base with the body, close and fire the Huaxia stapler (Fig. 2-5-3).

Figure 2-5-3 connecting two parts of Huaxia stapler

4. Use Huaxia disposable linear suture device to close the anterior gastric wall incision and complete the side-to-side gastrojejunal anastomosis (Fig. 2-5-4).

Fig. 2-5-4 closure of anterior gastric wall after gastrojejunal anastomosis

5. End to side gastrojejunal anastomosis can also be performed with Huaxia disposable tubular stapler (Fig. 2-5-5).

Fig. 2-5-5 the central rod extends from the greater curvature of gastric transection

6. The Chinese disposable linear cutting suture device can be used for side-to-side gastrojejunal anastomosis. First, approach the intended anastomosis of stomach and jejunum, cut a small opening in the left or right gastrointestinal wall, extend into the two leaves of Huaxia stapler and close (Fig. 2-5-6).

Figure 2-5-6 gastrojejunal anastomosis with Huaxia disposable linear cutting suture device

7. Fire and exit the Cathay stapler. After checking that the anastomosis is good, lift the left small incision with the three thread method and close it with the Cathay disposable linear stapler (Fig. 2-5-7).

Fig. 2-5-7 closure of gastrojejunal small incision to complete the operation

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